Absolut Vonnegut was created in 1995 as one of a series of Absolut Vodka advertisements by renowned American artists. It features the familiar self-portrait profile, an open window in the background, and a vodka bottle on a table in the foreground. The wooden table is heavily grained, an exercise Vonnegut enjoys and which he has employed in several pieces. The hands playing with a loop of string and the cat's head stopper to the bottle make obvious allusion to his novel Cat's Cradle (1962). In the novel the cat's cradle becomes the symbol for traditional explanations that really do not explain-the child looks at the string configuration that is supposed to represent a cat's cradle and sees "No damn cat. No damn cradle. " The novel mocks religions, political doctrines and various national and societal affiliations whose claims to explain and give meaning to existence are as illusory as the string figure. Copyright: 1995
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